USS Galileo

What Past Is Prologue

The USS Galileo departs from drydock heading for the Fourth Fleet Deep Space Operations, Task Force 17

Mission Description

“Whereof what’s past is prologue; what to come, in yours and my discharge.”
William Shakespeare


Everything that has happened before sets the stage for what will happen in the future.  As the USS Galileo departs from drydock heading for the Fourth Fleet Deep Space Operations, Task Force 17.  In her time, the USS Galileo has seen four Captains, all of their fates ending in a horrible fate.  Convinced the USS Galileo is a bad omen, many see the ship as cursed.  The career killer has sat dormant for four years, undergoing a slow refit.

Now under the command of Captain Vidre Naris, Starfleet hopes to revive the USS Galileo and end the curse. However, an ill-fated act of sabotage threatens to keep the curse alive.  Will the crew be able to move beyond the Galileo’s past, into a better future?  Or will they be sent back to drydock?


About the Mission

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End Date

20 April 2022

Tension and Avoidance

USS Galileo: What Past Is Prologue

“The greater the tension, the greater is the potential.” ~ Carl Jung   The last few days could only be described by one phrase, and things didn’t go as planned. Naris had hoped the ship would be operational, her crew would be ready, and they could have departed. The more she went over [...]

7 April 2022

Conditional Assignment

USS Galileo: What Past Is Prologue

From another table, Parker watched the events unfold. Mack had picked another fight. However, this time, he actually managed to walk away without much need for medical assistance. Parker picked up her beer mug and slammed it down as she placed the half-smoked cigar back in her mouth. Lining up her [...]

20 March 2022

Old Friends and Secret Flings? Or Is It Old Lovers.

USS Galileo: What Past Is Prologue

The main bridge of the Galileo was a ball of energy as the crew moved from terminal to terminal, attempting to accomplish their only goal; get the ship operational. In the middle of the bridge was the Galileo’s newly appointed Executive Officer, Samuel Malik. Malik had been pacing back and forth [...]