USS Denver

Mission 3: War is War

At Starbase 75 the war was almost forgotten...

Mission Description

After two months of repairs and refit the USS Denver rejoins the fight with the Seventh’s newly formed 91st Task Forced based on Forkin VII. Forkin is a Betazed Colony not far from the Betazoid homeworld, and the 91st is tasked with supporting the 10th Fleet and conducting border security.


About the Mission

USS Denver
Total Stories
Start Date

28 September 2022

Pleased to Meet You, Won't You Guess My Name

USS Denver: Mission 3: War is War

Trejon Prol had mostly recovered from his injuries thanks to Doctor Kyo.  He had found himself on a ship called the Denver. It was far more cushy than what he was accustomed to aboard Cardassian ships. But these Starfleeters weren’t military-focused. Which, is probably why the Dominion was [...]

28 September 2022

Dumbo to The Rescue

USS Denver: Mission 3: War is War

“The last of the fighters have returned,” Chief Petty Officer Corran Daniels reported from the Operations station having relived Ensign Crawford. “Knight Actual is still missing in action.” Rebecca’s heart skipped a beat.  “Cheon,” she said softly to herself.   “Miss [...]

27 September 2022

The Questioning of an Enemy

USS Denver: Mission 3: War is War

The Cardassian prisoner stared up at the ceiling as the Denver’s medical team worked on him trying to stabilize him.  Death was knocking at the door.  His breaths were shallow and ragged.  Prol grabbed one of the Starfleet officers by the uniform leaving a bloody handprint on her [...]

18 September 2022

Out of the Pan and into the Fire

USS Denver: Mission 3: War is War

Transporter Room – USS Denver Riandri stepped off the transporter pad on the USS Denver and looked towards the transporter Chief as they spoke, “Welcome abroad the USS Denver, Lieutenant. The captain sent down word, she would like to met you on the Bridge.” “Thank you,” she began as she [...]