USS Heracles (Archive)
Operation: Stormbreaker
The Heracles is called upon to help the fleet with closing subspace rifts fueling the storm in the Paulson Nebula.
Mission Description
Commander Cody Bettencourt is currently in command of the USS Heracles, while Captain Vausees Vax and Commander Debrah Fergouson travel back to Earth for a much-needed vacation. While on patrol of the Klingon-Federation borders, the Heracles is ordered to the Paulson Nebula.
In the meantime, a fleet rep is sent to Captain Vax to inform her of the situation and orders her to cut her vacation short.
Captain Vausees and Commander Debrah intercept the Heracles on their way to the Paulson Nebula. Vausees is informed further about the current ongoings in the sector.
Upon arrival to the Paulson Nebula, the Heracles receive orders to close as many of the rifts in the storm as possible with the designs provided to them.
While closing the rifts, the Heracles is sucked into one and transported to another place. Where are they? How can they get back? These are but a couple of the questions that face the Heracles.
Help could be a rift away.