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Part of USS Heracles: Operation: Homestead

USS Heracles: USS Heracles – Halting of a Diplomatic Solution

Captain Vausees receives orders for her ship to provide escort for a Diplomatic team to Cardassian space, along the way the Heracles detects an unknown device and places the ship under 'Red Alert'

Mission Description

Captain Vausees receives orders for her ship to provide escort for a Diplomatic team to Cardassian space, along the way the Heracles detects an unknown device, and places the ship under ‘Red Alert’. Now the crew and an Angelikós Zilotís named Adé, an Engineer recommended by Thý’ella must find out what the device is and who placed it before all hell breaks loose.

About the Mission

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4 February 2022

Halting of a Diplomatic Solution Part 6

USS Heracles: USS Heracles - Halting of a Diplomatic Solution

Stardate: 74806.08 Time:  2008 hours Location: Alpha Quadrant – USS Heracles   -Captain’s Ready Room-   Vausees sat in her chair, her eyes closed, her mind playing over the past two weeks. Most of it had been uneventful other than the discovery of the Commander of the Diplomatic [...]

28 January 2022

Halting of a Diplomatic Solution Part 5

USS Heracles: USS Heracles - Halting of a Diplomatic Solution

Stardate: 74769.81 Time: 0957 hours Location: Alpha Quadrant – USS Heracles   —Conference Room—   Soft voices spoke to one another as the Senior Officers waited for their Captain to enter into the conference room. The tension in the room was heavy as all of the officers spoke softly [...]

26 December 2021

Halting of a Diplomatic Solution Part 4

USS Heracles: USS Heracles - Halting of a Diplomatic Solution

Halting of a Diplomatic Solution Part 4 Stardate: 74769.8 Time: 0947 hours Location: Alpha Quadrant – USS Heracles   —Vausees Ready Room—   Vausees was sitting at her desk in her Ready Room over an hour later when a chime went off. “Enter,” she says as she leans back in [...]

26 December 2021

Halting of a Diplomatic Solution Part 3

USS Heracles: USS Heracles - Halting of a Diplomatic Solution

Stardate: 74769.7 Time: 0852 hours Location: Alpha Quadrant – USS Heracles   —Main Engineering Bay—   When their Captain’s voice came over the speaker, Charles and Skirak’s limbs were deep inside an opened up bulkhead. “Report to the Conference Room, Chief Tanner [...]