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Empok Nor (Archive): The Grand Experiment

The newly recommissioned Empok Nor is being used as the testbed for the improvement of Cardassian/Federation relations and as the acid test for whether the two cultures can truly co-exist peacefully.

Mission Description

The newly recommissioned Empok Nor is being used as the testbed for the improvement of Cardassian/Federation relations and as the acid test for whether the two cultures can truly co-exist peacefully.

This mission follows the exploits of the Cardassian crew as they navigate the intricacies of having Federation personnel on their station.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

13 January 2022

Resetting the Board

Empok Nor (Archive): The Grand Experiment

Legate Sela Aren was currently listening to Glinn Talmet as he outlined the request that had been made by Captain Bastin for information regarding the behavior of his staff during his absence. None of the information was classified in any manner, which had prompted the Glinn to release it without [...]

10 January 2022

Loose Lips, Conspiracies, and Connections

Empok Nor (Archive): The Grand Experiment

Glinn Talmet stared through the force field that separated him from the hulking Nausicaan sitting on the slab that served as a bench and bed in the holding cell just adjacent to the Cardassian’s office. The Security Chief’s staff had been diligent throughout the night, managing to extract a [...]

9 January 2022

Mandatory (Philosophical) Fun

Empok Nor (Archive): The Grand Experiment

Legate Sela Aren leaned back in her chair and rolled her stiffened shoulders after finally reaching a point in her backlog that could wait until the following day. Most of the work she’d had to tackle was administrative in nature and was more of an exercise in bureaucracy than anything that she [...]

7 January 2022

Kanar and Conversation

Empok Nor (Archive): The Grand Experiment

Glinn Talmet and Lieutenant Nieru entered the single operating bar on Empok Nor, both of them still carrying their rifles. The Glinn had stated rather flatly that he had no desire to return to his office and the Saurian being armed was no great risk given the circumstances, which led the pair to [...]