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USS Atlantis: Mission 5: Meet the People

With the T'kon Crisis behind them and in need of repairs to their engines, Atlantis makes her way to the People's colony of Trent after an invitation to conduct repairs there and partake in shoreleave.

Mission Description

With the T’kon Crisis behind them and in need of repairs to their engines, Atlantis makes her way to the People’s colony of Trent after an invitation to conduct repairs there and partake in shoreleave. The People, a new Delta Quadrant power never encountered before, seem eager engage with the Federation crew and learn more about the galaxy. Are they kindred spirits to the Federation? No time like Second Contact and shore leave to find out.

About the Mission

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Start Date

24 January 2022

"Oh, now that’s an order I can get behind."

USS Atlantis: Mission 5: Meet the People

“How we looking?” the captain asked as she stepped out of her ready room, Commander MacIntyre following behind her. Both held cups of their preferred beverage, the sickly-sweet scents soon wafting across the bridge to her own sensitive nose. Instead of heading for the center seats, which [...]

19 January 2022

“Yes sir, Commander MacIntyre.”

USS Atlantis: Mission 5: Meet the People

“Commander, I was wondering if I could perhaps have a moment of your time?” While the Atlantis was still in sitting in dock, half her crew on leave, the other half either working to make good her ills or guarding those parts even the captain had considered still too sensitive for free access, [...]

12 January 2022

“Better believe it.”

USS Atlantis: Mission 5: Meet the People

The conference room that Admiral Lorc had managed to secure for the high-level briefings had been right out of some bad spy thriller in Tikva’s earnest opinion. It was dark, there were no windows, the whole thing felt like a tomb of some modern variety. Which considering how long the lift down [...]

7 January 2022

"I'm telling the Captain that you can actually make a toast."

USS Atlantis: Mission 5: Meet the People

“You know, I think these People people have a good idea going here,” Benjamin Maxwell, Atlantis’ assistant chief engineer, said as he wiped his brow with the back of his arm. Normally while working on the exterior of Atlantis, such an action would be impossible, save for the People’s [...]