USS Centaur (Archive)
Mission 3: Soldar
Centaur must do everything they can to save their First Officer without starting a war with the Romulan Free States
Mission Description
The Centaur is attacked and crippled by a Romulan Bird of Prey, left to float in the vast emptiness of space while only one person was abducted. The First Officer, Commander Vakai. No warning, no demands, zero communication; Vakai was beamed off of the Bridge and the unknown attacker left the Centaur to lick their wounds. The Captain and the Senior Staff have a hard choice to make, to make repairs and return to the Devron Fleet Yards to report the incident, or to go after the Romulan Bird of Prey and rescue their First Officer. But if they so do choose to mount a rescue mission, it would require them to venture deep into Romulan Free States territory, to try and reach where Vakai has been taken undetected and avoid starting a war by not firing a single shot.
How can such a vessel, having already been damaged by their encounter with the IKS Shadriq, and damaged further by their encounter with the unknown Romulan Bird of Prey…how can such a vessel possibly achieve such a task?