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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 3: Vanishing Point

USS Atlantis: Mission 4: Tried turning it off and on again?

Computer glitches foreshadow something bigger in the face of the Tkon mystery

Mission Description

With a chance to catch their breath and a new Tkon artifact aboard ship, Atlantis heads to visit the People before computer problems begin to impact their systems. Just what has the Tkon artifact done to the ship? What purpose does it have in mind for the ship and crew?

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

17 September 2021

“Is it doing anything?”

USS Atlantis: Mission 4: Tried turning it off and on again?

“Right Shven,” Mac said as he leaned in between the two flight control seats of the shuttle Grey, “take us in over the beacon for a first pass. Let’s take a look at what we’ve got before we get the other shuttles to start shipping the parts down. “Yes sir,” the Andorian said as he [...]

17 September 2021

“Engine rich exhaust."

USS Atlantis: Mission 4: Tried turning it off and on again?

Stepping into Engineering, Lieutenant T’Val had expected to find a scene of Engineers stressed, working to their extremes. Frayed emotions, people having clear displays of internal thought processes and impulsive responses. Instead, what she found was an oddly ordered, if still somewhat busy [...]

15 September 2021

“This is all kinda coincidental."

USS Atlantis: Mission 4: Tried turning it off and on again?

“So,” Tikva said as she stood in the safe holographic void with Mac and Gabrielle, all standing around the spherical recreation that was happily spinning before them, “while we couldn’t make heads or tails of it, it apparently has started to co-opt our own computers?” Gabrielle lifted the [...]

11 September 2021

“Guess this means dinner tonight is off.”

USS Atlantis: Mission 4: Tried turning it off and on again?

The conference room was a difference place without the normal lighting, the dark red of emergency lighting casting it’s pallor on all assembled. Most of the senior staff had assembled, save for Rrr’mmm’bal’rrr who was finding difficulty with their bulk and the size of Jefferies tubes [...]