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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 3: Vanishing Point

Roosevelt Station: 3: Shadows of Cestus

The data from Cardassia in hand, Eden Enigma and the crew of the SS Healer's Hope make their way to Eden's birthplace. The secrets of the Tkon begin to come together.

Mission Description

The SS Healer’s Hope arrives in the Cestus system with the key to a Tkon facility in hand. Eden Enigma seeks to unravel the secrets of Cestus III and face her own past.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

11 September 2021

Shadows of Cestus 6

Roosevelt Station: 3: Shadows of Cestus

Then Somehow, the quarters Eden shared with her parents had gone mostly unscathed in the fighting, though Eden’s ability to sleep in them was gone. Gone with her mother, ripped from the world by a monster from outside space-time. The Wanderer – that was the only name they had for it [...]

10 September 2021

Shadows of Cestus 5

Roosevelt Station: 3: Shadows of Cestus

Now Powell’s people were already exploring the rest of the facility, and Eden and her team stepped to the console. “This doesn’t look like one of the beacons connected to Horizon,” Ral said softly. “No. It doesn’t,” Eden whispered. “What can we do as [...]

9 September 2021

Shadows of Cestus 4

Roosevelt Station: 3: Shadows of Cestus

Then Mr. Powell was bleeding. Too many people were bleeding, too many were hurt, but it was him who she was drawn to. The man with the kind hazel eyes. She knelt at his side, trying to treat his injuries, though the way his arm hung indicated that the blood loss might be the least of his wounds. It [...]

7 September 2021

Shadows of Cestus 3

Roosevelt Station: 3: Shadows of Cestus

Now They stood within a buried laboratory, a group of Cestian scholars gathering data, and Eden tapped her own tricorder. “We need to find where the key goes…” An older man approached. “Commander… welcome to the Dig. I’m Robert Powell, head researcher [...]