Challenger (Archive)
The Romulan War: Whatever The Cost May Be
The Battle for Earth is upon them all, Burton must lead Starfleet forces in dealing with further Romulan aggression.
Mission Description
Challenger finally makes it back home, but are forced to lead Earth’s forces one more time. After their successful campaign against the Romulans in Rator, their enemy has different ideas. Starfleet must bring together its toughest forces as the Romulan Empire brings their ships in to the Sol system, their target: Earth’s annihilation!
Fleet Captain Burton and his crew will save their homeworld, whatever it takes!
Dedicated to the RPG Star Trek: Endeavour – those who have played and are still playing, thanks for making it all fun!
The story is set in the last month of the year 2155 (ACE) after Challenger attempts to prevent the Klingon invasion of Krios (Star Trek: Challenger – The Romulan War: The Battle of Krios).