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Challenger: The Romulan War: A Shot In The Dark

The war rages on between Earth and Romulus, now it's time for the Challenger to return to the battlefield and defend Humanity!

Mission Description

Challenger is sent out to the frontlines to find their sister ship, Discovery. Her captain, Frank Müller, is one of Burton’s old time friendly rivals. When they finally found the NX-04, the crew of the Challenger soon decide to assist their counterparts on Discovery on something they have found.  If they succeed in their mission they find a way to turn the tide of the war-effort in Earth’s favour, but how much will they sacrifice for the war effort? Who comes home when there’s so much at stake?

Dedicated to the players of Star Trek: Endeavour, a role-playing nova-based game, who have proven to me time after time that we can have a lot of fun together writing in this era! Thank you everyone, past, present and future!


The story is set in the last quarter of the year 2155 (ACE) after Challenger returns to Earth (Star Trek: Challenger – All For One & One For All).

About the Mission

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12 August 2021


Challenger: The Romulan War: A Shot In The Dark

Inspecting the Dhivael had not been on the top of the admiral’s agenda, however it gave him an opportunity to be updated by Commander T’Voras before he had to brief the praetor about what had happened in the Bassen Rift. He was not looking forward to it as it meant he probably would have to go [...]

12 August 2021


Challenger: The Romulan War: A Shot In The Dark

Deciding he did not want to leave his office since reporting for duty, Fleet Captain Burton had kept to himself since their mission in Romulan space had completed. Nevertheless the taste of victory was a bitter one. The loss of his first officer, pilot and MACO commander had devastated his crew. [...]

12 August 2021


Challenger: The Romulan War: A Shot In The Dark

Jack Conrad could feel the tension rising within the small team that were now standing around the command pit of the Prowler. They had crossed into enemy territory and were now on their approach to the Bassen Rift. So far no Romulan ship had stopped them or approached them.  “It’s time.” [...]

12 August 2021


Challenger: The Romulan War: A Shot In The Dark

“Fleet Captain’s star log, November second, twenty-one-fifty-five. Operation Stormbreaker is ready to proceed. Both ships are standing by and I’ve given the order to begin at oh six hundred hours. With any luck, my next log entry will be made after a great victory for Earth. But should [...]