Challenger (Archive)
Birds Of A Feather
When some human ships are under attack, Challenger leaps into action to help them.
Mission Description
With the likelihood of their mission at Denobula being a success, Challenger responds to a distress call from a human colony convoy. After saving them, Challenger escorts them to their new home: Archer IV. However when they arrive they soon find themselves taking on an adversary who is bent on preventing Earth and its allies from expanding any further.
Dedicated to the players of Star Trek: Challenger, a role-playing forum-based simulation, who rose to the challenge of making it fun! Here we go again, round two!
The bulk of this story is set in the year 2155 (ACE) shortly after the Terra Prime events (Star Trek: Enterprise – Terra Prime) and after the arrival of the Challenger (NX-03) at Denobula (Star Trek: Challenger – While the Iron is Hot).