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Part of Lead Expeditionary Group: Operation: Delta Expedition

Lead Expeditionary Group: Return To The Endgame

The lead expeditionary group for Task Force 17 enter the Delta Quadrant ready to explore what was left behind!

Mission Description

Commodore Bennet leads the fleet into the Delta Quadrant on their quest to pick up from where Voyager had left off from and to explore the Gradin Belt further.

About the Mission

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25 July 2021

Like Trying To Find A Needle...

Lead Expeditionary Group: Return To The Endgame

Journeying towards the junkyard had been uneventful for the crew of the USS Discovery, in fact it had given Commodore Bennet plenty of time to catch up on reports that he had been leaving for some time now. He had kept himself up to date on how the Odyssey was dealing with the Uxali and that [...]

25 July 2021

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Lead Expeditionary Group: Return To The Endgame

“Commodore’s log stardate seven-six-four-three-six point six, we’ve completed our diplomatic engagement with the Kadi. To say that this has been a learning curve for us is understandment.” Walking side by side down the corridor of the Century-class ship, Commodore Bennet and Superior [...]

25 July 2021

Diplomatic Etiquette

Lead Expeditionary Group: Return To The Endgame

Returning to his quarters in agony, Commodore Bennet felt exhausted after what felt like almost two days of hell. The banquet in their honour on the Kadi Home Colony was not as short as he had imagined it to be. Instead it had lasted over several days and it required him and other members of the [...]

25 July 2021

Into The Wormhole

Lead Expeditionary Group: Return To The Endgame

“Number One, open a channel to the fleet.” Bennet said as he rose from his seat, still staring at the viewscreen showing a number of ships that were prepped and ready to go. “Channel open.” Rider replied after following his commanding officer’s orders. “This is Commodore Zack [...]