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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 1: Omega

USS Endeavour: Things Fall Apart

Far from the beaten track, the manifestation of Omega molecules threatens the fate of worlds few would fight to save.

Mission Description

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

– ‘The Second Coming,’ William Butler Yeats


Endeavour is still dealing with the fallout of their last mission, not least because it has them committed to a relief operation at the world of Teros, a refugee hub for the Romulan Relocation, and a desperate place for the diaspora to have eked out the past fifteen years. But this mission has not come simply as a matter of compassion, coming off the back of a rescue operation where Endeavour sought to rescue the archaeologist Karl T’Sann from the hands of the Romulan Rebirth Movement. A series of twists and turns has left Lieutenant Kharth, who once lived on Teros, at odds with away team leader Commander Airex – but seems to have triggered Airex’s request for transfer off the ship, a stunning move he has refused to explain to any.

Now the manifestation of Omega molecules near Teros means rather than deal with these issues, there is a world to save, far from anyone else who might render assistance – or care for its wellbeing.

About the Mission

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10 August 2021

All These Promises

USS Endeavour: Things Fall Apart

‘I understand perfectly,’ said Adamant Rhade with a calmness that on any other day would have made Matt Rourke want to put him through a wall. ‘I just cannot accept.’ But today, Matt Rourke was treating every emotional blow as a dull buzz, and so he stared across the brig cell at his [...]

8 August 2021


USS Endeavour: Things Fall Apart

The hum of the cell forcefields was more persistent than Kharth remembered. It had been some time since she was a junior security officer, some time since she’d had to take shifts in the brig. Now she’d been in this cell for four hours, and for all the thousand thoughts racing through her mind, [...]

6 August 2021

Brutal Side-Effects

USS Endeavour: Things Fall Apart

Cortez lifted her head from the bucket Doctor Sadek had thoughtfully provided. ‘Why do anti-rad meds gotta suck this much?’ she groaned. ‘Because I gave both of you doses of arithrazine above the standard,’ said Sadek as she scanned her, voice for once without any sardonic judgement. [...]

4 August 2021

As If I Planned Ahead

USS Endeavour: Things Fall Apart

‘What the hell are Romulans doing here?’ Cortez jabbered as she fired the King Arthur’s engines to bring them soaring out of Endeavour’s shuttlebay. ‘Did they think, “Hey, that situation doesn’t look tense enough, let’s wreck it.”’ ‘That’s not our concern, Commander, unless [...]