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Part of Lead Expeditionary Group: Operation: Delta Expedition

USS Odyssey: Reparations

Sent to help a people that Earth doomed, Odyssey finds that not everyone wants their help!

Mission Description

The Uxali people were almost destroyed by antimatter when Earth’s Friendship One probe entered their atmosphere, now after Voyager tried to save them the Odyssey has been sent to pick up from where they left off. The ship’s mission is to help them whatever it takes to restore their world and their people. How far will Captain McCallister go to succeed in his first mission in the Delta Quadrant?

About the Mission

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22 July 2021

A Bold Plan

USS Odyssey: Reparations

Transporting Otrin up to the Odyssey had become a relatively simple task after transporting enhancers had been set up. It allowed McCallister to start showing their willingness to help the Uxali; that their intentions were true and sincere. Otrin and his small entourage appeared somewhat [...]

22 July 2021

One Giant Leap

USS Odyssey: Reparations

After setting the Aquarius safely down, Captain McCallister led his team across the broken surface of Uxal. Bulked up in their EVA suits, the Starfleet away team moved slowly across the desolate region towards the large complex that their guests had indicated as their home. Even [...]

22 July 2021

The Hand Of Friendship

USS Odyssey: Reparations

“Captain’s log stardate, seven-six-four-three-six-point six. The Odyssey has travelled through our designated underspace corridor and has spent the last two days at high warp. Our trip has given us the opportunity to cover the same distance that it took Voyager to do in two years. [...]

22 July 2021

Full Circle

USS Odyssey: Reparations

Whizzing past at high warp, the Odyssey was like a cheetah running through the wilderness making its way towards its next target. The large exploration vessel was making its way towards Turei territory where they would meet with the designated liaison officer from the Turei Alliance. They would [...]