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USS Odyssey: Runs In The Family

Back on Earth, the Odyssey takes a break after the Archanis Campaign

Mission Description

The Odyssey arrives in Earth orbit to receive several upgrades, numerous repairs and final refits to head to the Delta Quadrant. Meanwhile the crew take some well deserved R&R, Captain McCallister takes this time to visit his parents and receives some grave news about his older brother.

About the Mission

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22 July 2021

Heading Out

USS Odyssey: Runs In The Family

Packing the last of their belongings into the Invictus, James looked around to make sure there wasn’t anything left around the harbour that he had missed. Satisfied that wasn’t the case, he pushed down on his uniform jacket and walked across the dock towards the small gathering of the [...]

22 July 2021

Awkward Return

USS Odyssey: Runs In The Family

The awkwardness of Horatio’s entrance into the family living area was like watching a clown not being obvious at a funeral. Awkwardness at slipstream velocities. At first James didn’t say anything, except for staring at his younger brother when he and their father walked in together. James did [...]

22 July 2021


USS Odyssey: Runs In The Family

Landing the Invicta in the harbour seemed like a good idea at the time, especially as his parents owned one of the docks, but James wasn’t expecting to see a small crowd pose by it to take holo-photographs shortly after they landed in the water. Returning back to his childhood home had been a [...]

22 July 2021

There's No Place Like Home?

USS Odyssey: Runs In The Family

“Captain’s log stardate seven-six-four-oh-seven-point-one. We arrived in the Sol system late last night and the ship is currently enjoying a brief respite in the San Francisco Shipyards before heading out to the Barzan Wormwhole. Our stopover will give the crew a few days of R and R [...]