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Phoenix: Learn to Fly

Phoenix is drawn into a game of cat-and-mouse with a Romulan ship in an asteroid belt, and must scramble so their first contact with the enemy is not their last.

Mission Description

‘Run and tell all of the angels
This could take all night
Think I need a devil to help me get things right’

– ‘Learn to Fly,’ Foo Fighters


The Phoenix scrambles to respond to a Romulan attack at the Vega colony – only to be waylaid by a bird-of-prey in an asteroid belt, and pulled into a game of cat-and-mouse in the name of survival. As the clock ticks down, it will take every ounce of the Phoenix’s supposed off-kilter brilliance to get to Vega in time.

About the Mission

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17 July 2021

The Eleventh Hour

Phoenix: Learn to Fly

For over twenty years, a whole generation of colonists had eked out a living on this rough world. Not because it was rich in resources or an agricultural breadbasket; not because it sent precious minerals or abundant food back to the core worlds. Vega was doggedly self-sustaining, the picture of a [...]

17 July 2021

Victory Lap

Phoenix: Learn to Fly

‘I assure you, Ardana Outpost, if there were any sign of the Phoenix leaving the asteroid belt, we would have detected them.’ Takahashi felt his throat try to close up as the low voice of Commander Sekarth filtered through his earpiece. ‘If that’s so, Commander,’ he said, pitching his [...]

17 July 2021

Don't Go Overboard

Phoenix: Learn to Fly

‘Don’t listen to that blowhard West,’ said Hawthorne, following Takahashi down the shuttlebay stairs. ‘He has a thorough lack of imagination and an incapability of extrapolating beyond what he can see.’ Antar leaned against the shuttlepod hatch, and looked up at the engineer’s approach. [...]

17 July 2021

No Idea is Too Stupid

Phoenix: Learn to Fly

‘If we’re not out of here in two hours,’ Lopez told the staff gathered around the briefing table, ‘then Vega gets hit with nobody to protect them. The Decius has better sensors than us, and will spot us before we spot them if we leave this dust cloud. Where are we at with our [...]