USS Endeavour - USS Scylla

Dust and Gold

The independent Romulan world of Rencaris becomes a crossroads for the political future of the Midgard Sector.

Mission Description

All I see are kings and thieves
When all I own is just dust and gold

– ‘Dust and Gold,’ Arrows to Athens

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

6 February 2025

Dust and Gold - 13

USS Endeavour: Dust and Gold

If Beckett looked up, he could barely see the tops of the spires of Rencaris’s capital city, Vedrex – but he could see the surveillance drones. Metres above their heads, they buzzed along streets heaving with the bustling population of this old Romulan colony and its myriad of visitors. [...]

2 February 2025

Dust and Gold - 12

USS Endeavour: Dust and Gold

‘So that’s another vote for the Solathian Race Grounds.’ Lindgren swiped her finger across the holographic display dominating the Safe House lounge to tally up her count. ‘Looking pretty decisive, then!’ She turned to the small assemblage of young, twenty-something officers and NCOs with [...]

31 January 2025

Dust and Gold - 11

USS Endeavour: Dust and Gold

On a ship as mighty as the Suv’chu, they were not received in General Brok’tan’s quarters or office, but his private halls. That was the term for what on Endeavour would be Valance’s private dining room, a small space to host a half-dozen guests just off the Safe House lounge. On a Klingon [...]

28 January 2025

Dust and Gold - 10

USS Endeavour: Dust and Gold

‘We’ll keep a good enough sensor read on you at all times that if we need to beam you out, we can,’ said Kharth, walking in step with Valance on the way to Endeavour’s transporter room, Logan a beat behind them. ‘The first sign of trouble -’ ‘They’ll raise their shields,’ Valance [...]