Part of USS Paramount: Season 1

USS Paramount

S1E7 | We Have Honor

The planet Kintara III has been attacked. The question is by whom? And will they return?

Mission Description

“Without honour, life is impossible, not only worthless, but impossible to maintain.”Vilhelm Grønbech

A colony on the edge of Federation space in the Kintara System has been attacked. Rumors from the capital say that three B’rel-class Bird-of-Preys were the perpetrators. Across the sector rumors of a Klingon attack have surfaced. Members of Starfleet Security argue that it was instead the work of the pirates but maybe… Could it have been both?

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

18 January 2025

Act One: Prologue

USS Paramount: S1E7 | We Have Honor

Covered in vast forests, deep lakes, windy rivers and treacherous mountains separating the planets eastern and western hemispheres. Kintara III was a unique planet home to a large population of Humans, Andorains, Trill and even Vulcans who embraced the 21st century Earth style of living with [...]