Part of Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

USS Erigone (Archive) - USS Rubidoux

Daughters of the Night Sky

The crew of the Eirogne comes together.

Mission Description

The diminutive Corvette USS Erigone has a fresh crew. Tested officers are thrown into a new and dangerous situation. Will they gel enough to find honour and success in their endeavours helping the fourth fleet with their latest mission?

About the Mission


USS Rubidoux
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

2 February 2025

Faith Cracked, Ambition Broken

USS Erigone: Daughters of the Night Sky

Katris completed the short walk from her quarters to the bridge in record time, her executive officer following close behind. One of Erigone’s small doors swooshed her admittance to the small bridge. “Report!”   Like the Yellowstone class runabout it was vaguely based on, the [...]

22 November 2024

Sisters of Battle

USS Erigone: Daughters of the Night Sky

“Please, Captain!” Ensign Elanna Henderson’s eyes quivered with longing, reflecting the streaking lights of warp speed outside the window and piercing the dimness of Katris’ quarters. The Raven Class Corvette was too small, too ad-hoc for a ready room. The Captain and [...]

14 November 2024

A House Sworn

USS Erigone: Daughters of the Night Sky

A shimmer of excitement buzzed in the chest of Lieutenant Commander Katris as she walked. It had been a constant over the last few weeks since she had been endowed with the news that she was getting her own command. She was fairly familiar with the more usually trodden areas of Starbase Bravo, and [...]