USS Blackbird - USS Liberty


Extracting a would-be defector from the Romulan Free State brings the special operations team of the USS Blackbird to Tau Mervana, a war-torn planet at the brink of the Neutral Zone

Mission Description

Tau Mervana lies nestled in the Neutral Zone, a stone’s throw from the territories of the Romulan Free State. For decades, warlords have picked over the region, vying for power and control of a launching point to set up their own fiefdom. It is only this far that Ireqh, former Undersecretary of Defence for the Romulan Free State, has managed to flee his Tal Shiar masters as he seeks to defect to the United Federation of Planets. This far, and no further.

To get him over the line, Commander Hal Cassidy and his special operations team have been dispatched to Tau Mervana. Aboard the USS Blackbird, they have to slip past Romulan warlords, local pirates, and even official Starfleet business to extract a man it would be best the wider galaxy never learnt the true fate of. But there may be one obstacle more dangerous than any of these, for the Free State would never let such a man escape lightly…

Mission image by Beckett; ‘planet’ art asset created with Midjourney

About the Mission

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31 October 2024

Embers - 13

USS Blackbird: Embers

‘…specific scale – Kah’plar’s fifth mode? – that’s traditionally associated with Klingon victory rituals. It’s often seen in traditional war songs, but they’re using it here for something rebellious, subversive, counter-cultural -’ ‘I just like bass, Aryn; I don’t [...]

29 October 2024

Embers - 12

USS Blackbird: Embers

‘You’re to be commended for your work,’ said Commodore Rourke, eyes drifting over the detailed report of the events at Tau Mervana. ‘You achieved something impressive under extremely difficult circumstances.’ Across the desk, the officer shifted, uncomfortable. ‘Was it enough?’ Rourke [...]

27 October 2024

Embers - 11

USS Blackbird: Embers

‘When the sensor interference started flooding in, we lost track of you.’ Lieutenant Falaris’s voice held the faintest of shakes, as if nerves had stayed locked up while she worked, but now, as the Blackbird thundered up through the atmosphere of Tau Mervana, they had begun to leak out. [...]

25 October 2024

Embers - 10

USS Blackbird: Embers

They would learn later, from scans of the wreck of the Nomad, that they’d been taken out by a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher. Their route had been anticipated, with someone posted atop a building with a clear view of the street to watch for them, wait, and then take them out. All Rosewood [...]