Small, sleek, and fast, the Blackbird stands ready for any mission requiring a subtler touch. As part of Sirius Squadron, she is dispatched on assignments where the solution can be provided by a small team of specialists acting unobtrusively. This includes tactical operations and missions of subterfuge, but also complex away missions requiring scientific or engineering expertise. Although the Blackbird’s default configuration prepares her for law enforcement, infiltration, or surveillance operations, she is capable of a range of missions, including reconnaissance ahead of first contact or courier assignments into volatile regions.
Commander Hal Cassidy commands the Blackbird and its team of specialist operators, a five-person team codenamed the Rooks, who carry out away missions. From time to time, key officers from Sirius Squadron may join the Blackbird on its assignments, providing essential expertise or acting in overall command of delicate missions. Due to her size and limited facilities, the Blackbird often operates directly out of Gateway Station or is deployed within several days’ travel of a larger ship of the squadron, such as the USS Sirius herself. When in and around Federation space, however, she may be deployed away from the squadron for weeks at a time, relying on local infrastructure for support.
This story is rated:
Commanding Officer
Rook 1
Executive Officer
Reconnaissance Specialist
Rook 2
Engineering Specialist
Rook 3
Science Specialist
Rook 4
Operations Specialist
Rook 5
Operations Officer
Civilian Contractor
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USS Blackbird and USS Liberty
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USS Blackbird and USS Liberty
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USS Blackbird and USS Liberty
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