USS Canterbury: Making a Mark


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15 September 2024

An unusual interview

USS Canterbury: Making a Mark

Picking an XO was as much a fine art as it was a science. At least in Zach’s estimation. Which meant that he’d given much consideration to the officers currently up for reassignment that met the criteria. There were some really solid officers looking for a spot and he had the advantage that a [...]

24 August 2024

It’ll come out in the wash

USS Canterbury: Making a Mark

After his new Chief Engineer had left Zach dropped into the chair behind his desk and looked at the chaos there with a sigh. “Computer, analyse contents of the padds on my desk and colour code them according to murphy’s law seven.” He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed at his face. Lordy, [...]

23 August 2024

They never tell you about the paperwork…

USS Canterbury: Making a Mark

You’ve been assigned a command. The USS Canterbury. You’re welcome. Those ten little words were just guaranteed to ruin his day. Especially when they came from his father. It hadn’t even been a comm call, just a message routed to his personal inbox. Zach set his jaw, and smiled at the ensign [...]