Part of Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron Season 1

USS Douglas (Archive)

Mission 3 - Living Discovery

The Douglas has new senior staff members, and new transfers aboard. The Constitution III starship begins its mission of exploration, discovery and science by examining the abandoned colony in the Gamma Quadrant. Something else is out there, watching.

Mission Description

New staff, new crew, and a renewed mission to explore and seek out the unknown.  The first stop is the colony in the Gamma Quadrant that defied explanation.  What was thought to be a simple search and science mission begins to unravel something unnerving that will lead the Douglas crew across quadrants into a mystifying web of scientific espionage that will push all of them to work together to solve the mystery that refuses to give up its answer.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

13 October 2024

LD 019– Lawyers in the Rimward

USS Douglas: Mission 3 - Living Discovery

“Any word from the team working with Vocast?”  Helena Dread had walked slowly back to her ready room, taking the time to process her rage at the El-Aurian doctor.  It would do her no favors to inflict her residual feelings on those around her.   Commander Milton Ford looked up from the [...]

10 October 2024

LD 018– Life and Death in the Rimward

USS Douglas: Mission 3 - Living Discovery

“She’s dying.”  Jordan Reid stood outside the high-security brig, PADD in hand. Captain Helena Dread accepted it and began to read, her face dropping as the report unfolded, “Within a month?” Reid added, “Or less.  She was still searching to make the perfect specimen – the [...]

9 October 2024

LD 017– Facing Ahon

USS Douglas: Mission 3 - Living Discovery

“Believe it.  We opened with an offer for assistance, and we were told in no uncertain teams to get the hell back, or they would open fire.”  The captain of the Atascadero was on the viewscreen of the Douglas bridge, a look of frustration etched on his face.  “We asked why, and they [...]

7 October 2024

LD 016 – Logically Thinking

USS Douglas: Mission 3 - Living Discovery

“I had to put her under heavy sedation.  Vocast’s power and strength pushed her body to a breaking point, captain.  This happens again – I will have my work cut out to repair the damage.”  Lieutenant Jordan Reid sat in her office across from her CO, Helena Dread. “You’ve got my [...]