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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Redding: Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Underspace

The USS Redding has somehow fallen into the Underspace. Its crew will have to forge an uneasy collaboration with aliens in order to escape.

Mission Description

The USS Redding was on its way to the al-Trimaltan Asteroid Field when it fell into the Underspace. Trapped into a pocket, the attempts to exit it remain vain. But, in the Underspace, it finds unexpected allies, equally trapped, while time itself stops behaving nicely.

About the Mission

In Progress
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Start Date

30 June 2024

Manifold V: Everyone is So Nice in the Underspace

USS Redding: Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Underspace

Lieutenant al-Kwaritzmi’s log, fourth day in the Underspace, morning: the Dopterian captain has arrived and is being escorted to the Koruba‘s Main Engineering. Commander Mir Durbus and I have gone again through my entire analysis and are confidently sure in it. For this meeting, Sublieutenant [...]

27 June 2024

Manifold IV: in the Mouth of the Bird-of-Prey

USS Redding: Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Underspace

Lieutenant Iskander al-Kwaritzmi, log, stardate unknown: the Romulan Republic ship that’s trapped in the Underspace with us has experienced quite a severe failure and requires help for the repairs. I have been entrusted command of a team of seven engineers and we are traveling via shuttle [...]

25 June 2024

Manifold III: Help You Help Us

USS Redding: Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Underspace

Lieutenant al-Kwaritzmi’s log, supplemental: the Redding has been trapped in the Underspace for several hours now. I have seen it from my quarter’s window: an indistinct dark orange void, filled with junk and debris. Out attempts to restart the warp drive are still inconclusive, but [...]

25 June 2024

Manifold II: Out of Synch, Out of Time

USS Redding: Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Underspace

All attempts to restart the warp core had failed. Everyone in Engineering had tried to lend a hand to Lieutenant Z’Xak, who needed none and declared the task to be impossible within the current configuration of the warp nacelles. Commander Mir Durbus had taken Iskander aside. “Aside from [...]