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USS Redding (NCC-75578)

The USS Redding is a humble California-class utility starship active within the Task Force 93. It specializes in engineering assistance and is usually to be found well within the Federation borders.

USS Redding

California-class • NCC-75578 • Task Force 93

The Redding was launched in 2372 and over its long life has served in the most disparate fashions. It is remembered as one of the few ships to keep the outposts on the Tholian border running during the Dominion War; for assisting the repairs of Spacedock 1 after the Battle of Sector 001 against the Borg; helping with building the exhibitions at the Fleet Museum on Athan Prime.

Notable missions:
– In June 2401, amidst reports of resurgent Borg activity, the USS Redding lent assistance to the partially assimilated USS Franscini

Image Credit: Star Trek Lower Decks and Memory Alpha

Content on this command is rated at 121 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Mild swearing, occasional violence, and limited sexual content may be present. It is intended for a mature audiences.

RPG Rating 1 2 1

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Manifold XI: Epilogue

USS Redding: Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Underspace

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