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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Atlantis: Journeys

What are the limits of Underspace's reach? Thrust beyond all understanding, Atlantis must first know where it is to know where it's going.

Mission Description

With a labyrinth, you make a choice to go in – and once you’ve chosen, around and around you go. But you always find your way to the center.

     – Jeff Bridges

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

27 June 2024

Journeys - 6

USS Atlantis: Journeys

“Got a couple of minutes?” Gavin Hu asked as he stepped into the conference room. As always the ship’s counsellor was a clear-spoken man, with a weird non-localised North American accent despite his obvious heritage. That odd accent was a by-product of the melting pot that is Delta Vega and [...]

26 June 2024

Journeys - 5

USS Atlantis: Journeys

“She’ll be fine,” Mac said as he stepped up beside Tikva, offering her a steaming cup of hot chocolate, the aroma blending with the coffee in his other hand. “Who?” The cup was accepted with both hands, sipped at and then hugged close, letting the heat of the cup seep through her [...]

24 June 2024

Journeys - 4

USS Atlantis: Journeys

Three hours. Three hours had passed since they’d exited whatever anomaly had spat Atlantis out so far from home. Far enough from home that sitting in the senior staff conference room they could all just look out the window and look upon the disk of the Milky Way galaxy in all its glory. And just [...]

21 June 2024

Journeys - 3

USS Atlantis: Journeys

“So, this new captain, good people?” Rachel Garland, captain of the starship Perseus, asked as she stood in the main shuttlebay of her ship next to Tikva Theodoras. “Oh, you’ll love him,” Tikva answered, smiling broadly but refusing to look at her friend as the latest shuttlecraft to [...]