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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

As unpredictable apertures cause ships to mysteriously vanish across the Federation, Captain Mitchell, grounding all traffic on Eos Station, must work with Commander Tindall to restore order and find their missing crew.

Mission Description

“In crisis, be aware of the danger—but recognize the opportunity.” – John F. Kennedy


Tensions on Eos Station have reached a breaking point. Apertures are unpredictably opening across the Federation, causing ships to vanish or materialize out of thin air. In an effort to maintain control, Captain Mitchell orders the station to yellow alert, grounding all traffic until the situation is deemed safe.

Her mission is clear: prevent the situation from spiraling further out of control. The crisis hits close to home when the runabout Tyson, carrying four of her crew, disappears without a trace. With both civilian and Federation ships affected, Captain Mitchell must rely on Commander Tindall and the Edison to help restore order and locate their missing crew.

About the Mission

Eos Station
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

30 June 2024

The Fractured Sky

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

A noticable tension floated through Ops as the crew executed Elena’s orders. Elena herself couldn’t believe she had ordered the station to lock down, but she stood firm. It was important. As the chaos of alarms and status reports filled the air, Elena tried to remain relaxed.  It wasn’t [...]

22 June 2024

Unseen Threats

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

The tension on Eos had started to die down; however, it wasn’t gone. Rempeck had been formally appointed as the new Ambassador, the Federation had turned a blind eye in favor of diplomatic relationships, and Elena had been left to pick up the pieces. However, the Captain had bigger problems right [...]