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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Jaxartes: Undercurrent

Following a signal beacon left by an unknown race.

Mission Description

The crew of the USS Jaxartes have found and rescued their missing Vulcan Commander during his escape from an entity identified as Helgeshran and the Pelcaza who serve him.  However unbeknown to him; Commander Salan was under the entities control and made an unsuccessful attempt to forcefully Mind Meld with the ships doctor, and recruit her to its ranks.

For doctor Phoebe Andrianakis; the knowledge that she may not be entirely human and that the man she felt she trusted, had been keeping things from her, has come as a great shock.

And what of Harpers Rift; a place of mystery and legend that has kept its secrets well-guarded.  Information retrieved from the craft belonging to an unidentified race; used by Salan in his escape has revealed that the hidden beacons marking a path into the unknown.

Right now the future seems less certain than ever and the tension for the crew of the ‘Jax’ can only mount!

About the Mission

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27 June 2024

Part G: Great Balls Of Fire

USS Jaxartes: Undercurrent

First Officers Personal Log:    We’ve been following the Devore Warship just over five days now; there have been a couple more branches in the Underspace Corridor, but it is clear they are just as lost as we are right now.  Tension aboard the ‘Jax’ is running high, we’ve [...]

24 June 2024

Part F: Lost In Space Corridors

USS Jaxartes: Undercurrent

The USS Jaxartes was now in pursuit of a much larger and more powerful vessel belonging to the Devore Imperium; currently on board and being held against his will was the Vulcan Commander, Salan.  How Lieutenant Devron planned to get the Commander back; he hadn’t a clue.  For now all he [...]

22 June 2024

Part E: …And A Hard Place

USS Jaxartes: Undercurrent

Everyone waited with slight trepidation as the Devore warship closed in; no one moved or spoke.  Only when Ensign Cho’s voice cut through the silence did the rest of the bridge crew react. “They’re hailing us Captain.” Commander Salan held up his hand before Devron could issue any [...]

20 June 2024

Part D: Between A Rock…

USS Jaxartes: Undercurrent

Captains Log: Supplemental   We’ve been stuck; half buried on this slowly spinning rock for three days now as we make our way down what both Commander Salan and Ensign C’Rren agree is an ‘Underspace Corridor’.   How one came to be in Federation space or how an opening into [...]