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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

USS Constellation's mission of exploration through the Delta Quadrant takes on a new dimension

Mission Description

Months deep into their continuing mission of exploration in the Delta Quadrant, USS Constellation has lost their north star.  The USS Grus has gone missing!

From Borg-occupied territory to the rare Wolf-Rayet star, from Chessu to the Krenim colony on Onitha, the scout ship Grus has charted a path for the crew of Constellation. Oh, all the wonders they’ve seen.

Constellation is pulled from a planetary survey of Buccarro IV by a distress call from the Grus, lost in an uncharted nebula.  Initially, the search pattern seems clear to Captain Taes, but triangulation within the nebula proves not enough.  Where the Grus has been lost, it can only be found in the labyrinth of Underspace.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

22 June 2024

Curse My Stars - 3

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

There was a subtle dissonance swelling on the bridge of Constellation, and Captain Taes couldn’t find an adequate grip on the root to pluck it out.   There was no outright conflict or calamity between her officers.  Taes couldn’t see it clearly enough to say the words aloud yet. [...]

17 June 2024

Curse My Stars - 2

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

While gazing into a darkened display panel, Kellin’s reflection stared right back at him.  He couldn’t understand the geometry of how his blond curls were hanging over his forehead.  That wasn’t how he’d styled his hair in the morning.  He fussed with his hair, trying and [...]

15 June 2024

Curse My Stars - 1

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

By the time she heard the crack, it was too late.  Yuulik’s reflexes were too slow, always had been.  The layer of ice over the puddle felt reliably sturdy until it suddenly wasn’t.  Her boot crunched through the ice, like a spoon smashing through the crystallised sugar atop a [...]