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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Polaris: Entropic Foliations of the Galactic Fabric

When the inexplicable appearance of Underspace apertures threaten ramifications of epic proportions.

Mission Description

The sun was shining. And then it wasn’t. On what should have been a warm fall morning, it suddenly became cold and dark like a storm coming over the horizon – except there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. As the four million colonists of Vespara Prime gazed up at the sky, they saw something they couldn’t make sense of. The K-type orange dwarf at the center of the system was dimmer, and it was flickering. At the Vespara Academy, researchers identified something equally disconcerting. At this time of the year, the planet should have been in the midst of its match towards the aphelion, but now, it was racing back towards the perihelion, and to make matters worse, the orbital degradation was accelerating rapidly. Unable to explain the phenomenon, all they could do was forecast what would happen if it continued.

A dozen light years away, Polaris Squadron was enjoying some much-needed shore leave when the call came in. Something was happening in the Vespara system, and in mere weeks, a catastrophe of planetary proportions was about to unfold. Their orders are to evacuate the planet, but with only a handful of ships at their disposal and four million to save, the impossibility of this task is clear to all. And that means the only hope for the survival of the Vesparan people is if the specialists of the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity can accomplish a miracle.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

28 June 2024

That Sinking Feeling at the Edge of Oblivion

USS Polaris: Entropic Foliations of the Galactic Fabric

Fiery tendrils of plasma danced towards an impossibly black void, one that swallowed even the light itself. They looked almost majestic, if not for the grim reality that those brilliant accretions were the fuel for the subspace singularity that would soon swallow a planet whole, and with it, the [...]

25 June 2024

When The Math Materializes Answers

USS Polaris: Entropic Foliations of the Galactic Fabric

The lab was packed. Nearly every physicist, astronomer and mathematician from the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity had gathered around the central display, talking in hushed, excited tones as they reviewed the results. Somehow, it all fit together. Every piece. None of them could [...]

24 June 2024

A Proud Maritime Tradition

USS Polaris: Entropic Foliations of the Galactic Fabric

“The Adak is requesting clearance to break orbit,” reported the communications officer. “Reports 4,419 embarcations at final.” Just like the naval cutter to bear the name four centuries prior, the Federation merchant ship had responded to a mayday when it mattered most, clearing the deck [...]

22 June 2024

Engineering Solutions

USS Polaris: Entropic Foliations of the Galactic Fabric

Watching the shuttles swarm like a flock of geese, she should have been able to rest easy. But she couldn’t. She knew it wasn’t enough. They had too few replicators to fabricate it all, too few shuttles to deliver it all, and too few engineers to assemble it all. In what sick twist of fate had [...]