USS Galaxy: M0: Moments in the Woods

Months after the actions of the Lost Fleet, the devastation of Frontier Day and the near destruction of their ship, the former crew of the Amundsen returns to duty

Mission Description

After months off following their stranding on Beol II and the near destruction of their ship during the Lost Fleet incident, the former crew of the USS Amundsen gather at Starbase 72, summoned back to duty by Starfleet.

Emotions and tensions still run high. While the entire crew, except for one, avoided the horror of Frontier Day, nobody was untouched by it. Even now, the senior staff grapples with hundreds of new officers who have been thrust into new positions they are not ready all while trying to adapt to the move from a small Rhode Island class vessel to the massive USS Galaxy and for Ensign Kellen Erith, the horror of his assimilation has barely begun to fade.

In all the very well-organized chaos of preparing the ship for departure, the crew tries to enjoy the few quiet moments they can enjoy for few doubt that more challenges await them shortly.

About the Mission

USS Galaxy
Total Stories
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End Date

30 June 2024

My EPS network brings all the engineers to the yard (it's better than yours)

USS Galaxy: M0: Moments in the Woods

The distinctive whining hum of the transporter activating filled the room moments before the shimmering column of blue light deposited Captain Clara Myers on the transporter pad. She stepped down, extending her hand to greet the woman before her.“It's a pleasure to meet you finally, Commander [...]

20 June 2024

Salad, Chicken and Warm Sunshine

USS Galaxy: M0: Moments in the Woods

It was a perfect day, by Terran standards anyway. Geden gazed across the lake from the table he had been seated at, squinting his eyes in the sunshine. He guessed that the environmental systems had been set up to mimic Earth and while there wasn't anything wrong with that, humans made a large [...]

19 June 2024

One liver, two livers, no livers, who cares

USS Galaxy: M0: Moments in the Woods

V’Rel continued to root around the drawer of medical tools; one of the sickbay nurses hovering behind her nervously. “Doctor, if you tell me what you need I can get it for you. Regulations do stipulate that visiting doctors need to defer to base staff for any treatments.” V’Rel shot the [...]

18 June 2024

A New Home

USS Galaxy: M0: Moments in the Woods

“Does anyone know why we’re stuck in this tiny room?” Gavarin Brex glanced over his shoulder at Dr. V’Rel. It would have been easy to pick up on her irritation even if he wasn’t Betazoid. She did have a point though; he wasn’t sure what was going on but it was easy to assume it had to [...]