USS Rubidoux (Archive)

Pulsar Shutdown

A routine probe drop, leads to a displacement wave and a total system shutdown, the Roo practicaly dead in space.

Mission Description

A routine probe drop above a pulsar is disrupted by a sudden and unexplainable shutdown of all systems.  The young crew scramble to restore basic things they take for granted such as, communications and computer access, before they can understand what happened and how to remove the problem. To complicate matters a know romulan transport and an as yet unknown klingon raptor are caught up in the same effect and racing to restore power for very different reasons.

About the Mission

Total Stories
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End Date

26 May 2024

Catching Up

USS Rubidoux: Pulsar Shutdown

Waiting for subspace connections, at least on personal channels, was often expected even for those scheduled calls. But this was down time and a long time friend would soon be on the other end, so Eviea found a way to a happy relaxing place.  While the terminal sat on the coffee table, she [...]

14 May 2024

When the Lights Go Out (Part 2)

USS Rubidoux: Pulsar Shutdown

Eviea stretched her arms as she shuffled across the living space of her quarters, in search of a hot drink before turning in. Now clad in a wrap-type skirt, a vest top in standard issue gray, topped by a dark green with multi-coloured hummingbird prints, long, cotton, robe. She had spent some time [...]

14 May 2024

When the Lights Go Out (Part 1)

USS Rubidoux: Pulsar Shutdown

  Captain’s Log  Stardate 957471.8 At present we are halfway through our assignment to deploy a series of probes. Recent developments in the Klingon Empire have needed a more discrete approach, we are using pulsars as market points and plausible cover locations between the Roman [...]