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USS Constellation: You Changed The Ending

Two crews. Myriad destinies await!

Mission Description

The Constellation’s ongoing mission of exploration in the Delta Quadrant lands her in the path of a planetary distress call from a Krenim colony.  With nearly five million lives in danger by space-time being shattered in all directions, the rescue effort requires more than one starship crew.

It needs two.


This mission is a collaboration between USS Themis and USS Constellation.  The complete story can be read in this sequence:

You Changed The Ending – 1 (USS Themis)

You Changed The Ending – 2 (USS Constellation)

You Changed The Ending – 3 (USS Themis)

You Changed The Ending – 4 (USS Themis)

You Changed The Ending – 5 (USS Constellation)

You Changed The Ending – 6 (USS Constellation)

You Changed The Ending – 7 (USS Themis)

You Changed The Ending – 8 (USS Constellation)

You Changed The Ending – 9 (USS Themis)

You Changed The Ending – 10 (USS Constellation)

You Changed The Ending – 11 (USS Themis)


Mission poster created by Luke Duncan


About the Mission

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13 June 2024

You Changed The Ending - 10

USS Constellation: You Changed The Ending

“The source of the negative particles appears artificial, commander,” said Science Officer Nune.  Through the viewport, the thin blue line of a particle stream was just barely visible to the naked eye.  He swiped up a holographic LCARS frame to enhance the image.  While the [...]

26 May 2024

You Changed The Ending - 8

USS Constellation: You Changed The Ending

“My guy, I can’t believe it!” Kellin exclaimed.  Bounding down the ramp into the cockpit of the Delta-class runabout, Kellin crashed into the back of the pilot’s chair.  Despite his reckless enthusiasm, he had enough presence of mind to catch himself without throwing his full [...]

28 April 2024

You Changed The Ending - 6

USS Constellation: You Changed The Ending

Through the transparent viewscreen, two Krenim warships hung listlessly in space.  For all their aggression, the starships Constellation and Themis had disabled them in short order.  Likely, this victory had been aided by the warships appearing decades out of date.  It was the planet [...]

28 April 2024

You Changed The Ending - 5

USS Constellation: You Changed The Ending

Captain’s Log, Supplemental   Space-time has shattered around the planet Onitha.  In our vain efforts to respond to the Krenim colony’s planetary distress call, Constellation was waylaid centuries into the past, even before Onitha’s colonisation.  Because the temporal [...]