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Since our last report, we’ve faced off against smugglers, pirates, and the many hidden threats lurking within the Federation’s underbelly. Our...
Greetings Bravo Fleet! Just a quick announcement from the Office of the Chief of Staff to update you all on a few things. OCS Policy Bravo...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Roleplaying Games
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Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Security Office Report #4 – Updates & New Supported Game
Hello Gamers, Bravo Fleet continues to show impressive support for gaming. The Security Office Staff have been working hard in delivering various gaming opportunities for our members. Since January 1, 2025, the Security Office has endorsed and completed 16 Gaming Events hosted by both Security Office members and general members of Bravo Fleet. The Security Office staff has […]
ReportsSecurity Office
Aaslin Braim
Security Office Report #3 – Updates & Ribbon Race!
Hello Gamers, The new year is starting off strong for gaming in Bravo Fleet. It’s truly exciting to see all the activity in the gaming-voice channels on Discord these days. The Security Office Staff have all been having a great time taking part in both Gaming Events and off-cycle gaming sessions with everyone. Since January […]
Security Office Report #2 – Staffing Changes & Gaming Submission Practices
Hello Gamers, Following the exciting release from our Engineering Office, I wanted to send out a Security Office update and reminder about gaming submission practices. I also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our fantastic engineering team for their efforts in upgrading the gaming submission platform (frontend and backend) in Bravo Fleet. You’re […]
Security Office
Security Office Report #1 – Introduction and New Supported Games
Greetings, Bravo Fleet! This is my first announcement since accepting the Bravo Fleet Security Officer (BFSO) seat. Since my return to Bravo Fleet last winter, I have genuinely enjoyed immersing myself in our community. Admittedly, my journey so far has been quick, as I’ve transversed RPG-writing, fiction writing, competitions, my first Fleet Action and, of […]
Bravo Fleet Security Officer Open for Applications!
Hello all! Recently, Fleet Captain Tavek (Starbuck) tendered his resignation as Bravo Fleet Security Officer. I want to personally and publicly thank Starbuck for his extremely impactful 8 months of service as Security Officer. It cannot be understated how much Starbuck transformed the position and the Security Office during his tenure. This brings us to […]
Teylas Ramar
Security Office Report #4 – Some Additional Updates
Greetings Bravo Fleet! There are a couple of things I’d like to share with all of you: Staffing Updates First and foremost, Rob Mackenzie, best known as FG on Discord, has stepped down from Security due to some IRL stuff and time constraints. I would like to thank him for his support over the last […]
Security Office Report #3 – Major Gaming Updates!
Greetings Bravo Fleet! I have a lot of very exciting changes to share with you all today, so let’s jump right into the new updates! New Deputy Security Officer First and foremost, please join me in congratulating Mamof on his promotion to Deputy Security Officer! Mamof has been instrumental in helping me implement these changes; […]
Gaming Policy Update – New Supported Game!
Hello Bravo Fleet! I have a couple of things I’d like to share with everyone, but let’s start with the biggest news first: Say hello to Democracy! Today, I am happy to announce Helldivers 2 has been added to our Supported Games policy! One of my biggest joys in this position is the ability to […]
Staffing Changes!
Good day Bravo Fleet! I have a few updates I’d like to share with you all today, but first and foremost, please help me in welcoming and congratulating Mamof on his promotion to Staff Assistant within the Security Office! Not only does he bring a wealth of Star Trek Online knowledge, but also be on […]
Security Office Report #2 – Gaming Survey, and some additional updates!
Greetings Bravo Fleet! It has nearly been a month now since I’ve assumed my new role within the Security Office, and what an incredible month it has been! Together, we have played several game nights within Star Trek Online and have had great fun with friends. Attendance has been wonderful thus far, and we are […]
Security Office Report #1 – Lots to Come!
Good day everyone, and welcome to my first official Security Office report of 2024! I am honored to have been selected to step into the role that Rob Mackenzie, otherwise known as FG on Discord, held for over three years, and I want to thank him for all that he’s done to support Bravo Fleet […]
New Bravo Fleet Security Officer
I will try and keep this short and sweet. In a recent announcement, I opened up applications for the position of Bravo Fleet Security Officer after FG had stepped down. This was a bit of uncharted territory because this was the first time that the Security Officer position had come open in over three years […]
Fleet CommandSecurity Office