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Staffing Changes!

March 25, 2024

Good day Bravo Fleet!

I have a few updates I’d like to share with you all today, but first and foremost, please help me in welcoming and congratulating Mamof on his promotion to Staff Assistant within the Security Office! Not only does he bring a wealth of Star Trek Online knowledge, but also be on the lookout for future events with Mamof as host! Welcome to the team, we are excited to have you on board!

I also want to take a moment to thank Allison Venganza, also known as Keravu Rickaru on Discord, for his service to Bravo Fleet over the last couple of years in his Staff Assistant role. After reviewing the results of our most recent gaming survey, we have made the decision to refocus our efforts where there is a majority of community interest. With that being said, we will only maintain official BF Star Trek Online fleets on PC for both Federation and Klingon moving forward. Given time, we may reanalyze this decision, but for now, we feel that this is currently what’s best for Bravo Fleet. Please note, this won’t affect our console players ability to earn awards and ribbons. They can still submit and earn rewards if they play with other Bravo Fleet members, we just won’t maintain any official fleets on console given the current low community interest for these platforms.

Speaking of the survey, we so appreciate everyone that participated and provided their feedback! Our team is hard at work planning new events/game nights, and working on details to support additional games in the coming months. I am proud of all of the progress we have made already in such a short time, especially within our Star Trek Online Federation fleet! I expect us to be max level within the next month or two, exciting stuff! We have also heard your feedback GMT players, and will begin to host additional events earlier for all our European members!

There is much more to look forward to, and we’re excited with the direction that gaming is heading in! See you in-game Bravo Fleet!