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Security Office Report #2 – Gaming Survey, and some additional updates!

March 6, 2024

Greetings Bravo Fleet!

It has nearly been a month now since I’ve assumed my new role within the Security Office, and what an incredible month it has been! Together, we have played several game nights within Star Trek Online and have had great fun with friends. Attendance has been wonderful thus far, and we are always looking for more players to join us! If you haven’t had a chance to participate yet, there are many more events to come. We look forward to seeing you in-game!

For this announcement, there are a few updates that we’ve made to the gaming policy I’d like to share, but first, I’d like to talk about our new survey!

We want to hear from you!

The Security Office is excited to present the newly updated Gaming Survey! We kindly ask that all Bravo Fleet members, especially our gaming community, please take the time to fill out this survey as it will provide valuable information on where we focus our efforts moving forward. Please answer all questions as truthfully as possible, we want to hear your opinions! The answers that are obtained from this survey will shape the things to come, so please, share your thoughts with us!

Gaming Policy Updates

Over the past few weeks, we have made some changes to the Bravo Fleet Supported Games Policy. Most of the changes have been small clerical updates, but there are some more exciting changes that I’m happy to share with everyone!

Please see the below notes:

  • Added support and guidelines for time-based Joint Action Ribbon submissions so members can now play battlezones together.
  • Added an additional way to earn campaign ribbons by completing a Recruit Transponder (Delta, Temporal, Gamma, Klingon) once per character.
  • Updated the language for the Joint Action Ribbons and Combat Action Ribbons to say “Number of screenshots” instead of “Number of submitted actions” to make it more clear what should be submitted.
  • For Joint Action Ribbons, added additional language to clarify that each content type should be a separate submission.
  • Removed the ‘JAR Other Multipliers’ section from the STO formula.
  • Revised some of the weights of the ribbon formula multipliers for all games to avoid any factional number calculations.

As always, if you have any questions, or if you’d like to host your own game night in the future, please feel free to reach out to me anytime!

The Gaming Survey will run for one week from March 6th to March 13th. We appreciate everyone’s participation in helping shape the future of gaming within Bravo Fleet!