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Good Morning, Bravo Fleet! It’s all been happening since our last report a few months ago hasn’t it? We’ve welcomed a new sibling Task Force,...
We're approaching the end of The Devil to Pay, and the end of 2024. This campaign is our eleventh writing event since I became the BF Intelligence...
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Writing Sandboxes
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Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
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Task Force 38 Report October 2020
“Tactical Diplomacy / Diplomatic Tactics” The elevator platform descended Mithrar Anchorage’s Forward Sail with a shudder, causing Rear Admiral Matthew Cody to tighten his grip on the railing which surrounded the passenger car at waist height. He wondered if he would ever get used to the Turei attitude to engineering of “If it still works, […]
ReportsTask Force 38
Matthew Cody
Task Force 38 Report July 2020
“Reflections in a Double Scotch” The sounds of a solo classical piano filled Delta-Bravo’s dimly-lit conference room from concealed speakers. Rear Admiral Matthew Cody sat alone in the darkened room, facing the expansive forward window which afforded a breathtakingly panoramic view of Mithrar space. Mithrar III sat low and to starboard of Cody’s view, with […]
Task Force 38 – June Report
The Delta Exploration Initiative “An Unwelcome Welcome” The leading group of starships consisting of Archangel, Icarus and Hurricane dropped out of warp 60,000 metres off Mithrar Anchorage’s port beam and received their first glimpse of the Turei station which was to accommodate Delta-Bravo, the designation given to Task Force 38’s headquarters in the Delta Quadrant. It […]