Check out our latest Fleet Action!


STO Borg Disconnected Weekend Blitz



Star Trek Online is all about the final frontier in the early 25th century, where no one has gone before. At times, it’s easy to forget that this game is a multiplayer game – sure you see other people, but when do you normally interact with them? You may randomly see a fleet-mate in a pick-up group or random TFO, but that’s about it. Well, it’s time to put the Multiplayer back into MMORPG.


This Blitz we are focusing on the Borg. As we all know the Borg have always been a pain to anyone in the Star Trek Universe. This is meant to bring all factions together to fight a common enemy. The Borg are joined by the Undine and the Voth in this TFO. So let’s join together and fight the enemy.


In this event, all submissions for Combat Action Ribbons are doubled – you get two ribbons for completing a Task Force Operation or a storyline mission with someone else from the fleet.


Added bonus: if you get teams of five fleet members together, three ribbons will be awarded at the end. Placement will be determined by the number of Combat Action Ribbons earned during the course of the event.


All submissions must be for Task Force Operations played during the duration of the competition.




  • Submit through the BFMS for Gaming Submissions with actions done either solo or with another fleet member for double the usual awards
  • Combat Action Ribbons can be awarded to any player that submits a screenshot of the assembled team and the award screen for the Borg Disconnected Task Force Operation completion or mission completion dialogue while two or more fleet members are present on a team
  • Strategic Action Ribbons can be awarded to any player that submits a screenshot of the assembled team and the award screen for the Borg Disconnected Task Force Operation completion or mission completion dialogue while running an instance with only one Bravo Fleet member present on the team
  • If submitting for a Combat Action Ribbon, only one entry is required through the BFMS for the entire team, but that person has to list all the members' user names in the BFMS in the one submission
  • Submissions of multiple Combat Action Ribbons can be placed in an external hosting image gallery for easier processing No entry is needed in Competition Submissions, but please include the Competition Name in the gaming submission field when you submit your screenshots.


User ID Date Entry

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Office of the Chief of Staff

This service is managed by the Office of the Chief of Staff. If you have questions about this service, please contact an office staff member.