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Task Force 72 – Report #1

June 13, 2024

On the start of exciting fleet additions and the debut of a new Fleet Action IV: Labyrinth, I have the privilege and honor of kicking off this announcement with our latest reports. Without delay, let’s get into the great achievements accomplished by our fellow members, whom we affectionately call the 72ers!

Task Force Reports

After the last report, Fleet Admiral Luke Duncan (MJ) stepped into the respected role of interim TF72CO, which was previously held by our esteemed Captain Geronimo Fontana (Aaron), who stepped back and took on a role that he loves most: Staff Officer: Podcasts, of the Bravo Fleet’s Communication Office. Here he is, now the main host of our Bravo Fleet Relay Station Podcast! We thank you both for your service to the Task Force!

Now, with my ascension to the role of TF72CO, the Task Force needed a new XO. Lieutenant Commander Trevenan Williams (James) was appointed to the mantle of TF72XO! I am delighted to start working with him, bringing on his expertise in organizing and helping alleviate 72 to new heights!

That’s not all! The 72ers are a diverse group of people with various interests and abilities. Geronimo Fontana has taken on the role of game master of a role-playing game, the USS Valkyrie (a Sovereign-class starship)! This has brought members together to collaborate with each other and write fascinating stories.

With that also being said, the 72ers are also avid gamers with weekly or, more impressively, daily gaming activity! I have also hosted several games with other members, playing games such as UNO, Battleships, and Connect 4. Let me tell you, they are very good players with great sportsmanship!

In essence, the 72ers are a great team all together, and I eagerly look forward to the achievements we will accomplish in the future!

Fiction Updates

Mackenzie Squadron – The action continues to unfold for the crews of Mackenzie Squadron, as the USS Mackenzie balances upon the very edge of “The Edge of Hope and Despair” in their mission to broker peace between the Former Demilitarized Zone, as the True Way vie for dominance with the New Marquis and threaten to revisit in “Echoes of the Past.” Relationships are tested, new alliances are formed and the shadow of the late Captain Ambrose Harris experiences an incorporeal encounter as he finds himself “Awake in the After.” As one legendary career hangs in limbo, we have the privilege to join Cadet Natalie Harris as she navigates the complex challenges of Academy – life and charts her own course towards her own future renown. All the while, the crew of the USS Daedalus shares with us “Those Moments In Between,” counterpoising the events aboard the “Mac” from an electrifying vista of action and excitement as the squadron continues the pursuit of the ruthless Pandora Crawford and her shadows.

Dragonfly Emissary Division – The action continues for the crew of the Dragonfly, formerly of the Mackenzie. The USS Dragonfly, under the new command of Captain Wren Walton, and the USS Douglas, under the command of Captain Helena Dread, have now formed the Dragonfly Emissary Division, which is headed by their division commander, Captain Wren Walton. The old crew, along with new cadets and officers, must face the new challenges that lie ahead while helping the colonies in the demilitarized zone while dealing with the New Maquis, the True Way, and the sociopathic Pandora Crawford. The chase continues for Pandora Crawford, who is in the wind after having her for just a moment but losing her the next moment.

USS Rubidoux – After attending a summit to mediate two former worlds, bound by an artifice that holds dual cultural significance, the crew of the USS Rubidoux and their diplomatic team uncover shocking crimes and unexplainable readings that they must uncover before the ceremony begins. After the sudden turn of events and the prompt return to Starbase 72, the Rubidoux was sent out once again, but they encountered a displacement wave, which led to an all-system shutdown. Unbeknownst to the young crew of the Rubidoux, a Romulan and a Klingon starship are in the same dilemma, but they are trying to restore power for different, unknown reasons.

USS Sacramento – The mission was simple: give a lift to B’Qeuth and V’Saal delegates back to their home system of Primarion, deliver a Federation Science Team to take advantage of the offer to study the unique Reliquary of Ost in Primar Majoris #7, and install a subspace communications network to bring the Primarion Gerontocracy and the Federation closer together. In the aftermath of the mission “All Tomorrow’s Yesterdays”, the crew of the USS Sacramento inadvertently awakens a slumbering “God”, whose revelations lead to a brief but bloody coup on Primarion Prime (setting back diplomatic relations for decades), and the crew of the Sacramento are saved by the ultimate sacrifice of the few. The road to hell is truly paved with good intentions.

USS Savannah – Along the former Demilitarized Zone, old enemies seek to ignite new enmities and with the decimation of their finest, Starfleet is hard-pressed to respond to the threat posed by the True Way and a resurgent of the New Marquis. Lieutenant Commander Samantha Hyland is no stranger to loss, and when she is placed in Brevet – Command of the USS Savannah, Sam is tasked with assembling a mostly green and inexperienced crew and restoring the aging New Orleans class frigate from the Mothballed fleet – reserve to active duty.

USS Athena – In the midst of the aftermath of Frontier Day and the subsequent attacks of roque forces such as the True Way, the newly minted Captain Harold Vaughn takes command of the freshly commissioned starship to continue to explore and make diplomatic efforts between hostiles and governments, mending relations as peacekeepers, but don’t be fooled. The Athena is more than capable of destroying anything, but let’s hope they ignore that.

Task Force Recognition



  • Joshua Bryant to Commander
  • Avidan Myrddin to Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Ginsh to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade, Cadet Junior Grade, Cadet Senior Grade, Midshipman, Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Lieutenant
  • Hina Morishita to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade, Cadet Junior Grade, Cadet Senior Grade, Midshipman, Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Lafiel@domana to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade, Cadet Junior Grade
  • Rand Al’ Thor to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade, Cadet Junior Grade
  • Moriko Hironaki to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade
  • Pakino Wat to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade, Cadet Junior Grade, Cadet Senior Grade
  • Virgil to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade
  • Helios Sobek to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade, Cadet Junior Grade
  • Hadir Prenar to Lieutenant Commander
  • Trevenan Williams to Lieutenant Commander
  • Shran@starnate to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade
  • Dal to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade
  • Freya to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade
  • John Stark to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade
  • Carmelo to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade, Cadet Junior Grade
  • Robbman to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade, Cadet Junior Grade
  • Mike Reynolds to Cadet Freshman Grade, Cadet Sophomore Grade


Seeing the remarkable achievements of the 72ers gave me a teary eye. I am proud to see the 72ers grow and develop these wonderful skills they have. I eagerly await the upcoming Fleet Action IV: Labyrinth and its outcomes, as well as the future times that lie ahead. I am confident to say that the 72ers will continue to strive and improve from here. I eagerly await the next quarterly report, which will detail the great accomplishments of the 72ers in the upcoming Fleet Action! Ex Amicitia Pax!