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November 2019 Monthly Awards and Competition Winners!

January 6, 2020

Hello, one and all! A little late because of the holiday season in December, but here we are to announce a few things including the November 2019 monthly awards. I want to apologize for this level of tardiness, but I hope you’ll be understanding that a lot has been going on in the month of December.

First I will start with the results of the recent fiction competition that ran from November into December. We had some really strong submissions to the prompts and delineating them from one another was a real challenge that came down to minor things. The stories were strong, and the content was great. A lot of it came down to things as simple as spelling and grammar usage. Without further adieu, here are your winners:

First Place
Second Place
Third Place

Huge congratulations to our three winners! As I said, you guys did a phenomenal job and the delineation was so low, but there has to be a winner in the end. I have a feeling as we get more and more into competitions, and especially fiction ones, that we’ll be seeing these three members at the top of many of them!

Speaking of competitions… bonus round! I am running a new competition until the end of the month of January, which can be found here. But I’ll even save you a click! Here are the details:

Your ship has picked up a deep space transmission (link) that must be reconstructed to determine if it holds valuable information. Reconstruct the information in record time to complete the objective.

Do NOT share this puzzle with anyone else to give them an advantage. All suspected violations will be referred to the Bravo Fleet Magistrates Office.


  • Entries will place by completeness, with ties broken by the time taken to complete the puzzle.
  • Puzzles must be solved using the default difficulty of 50 pieces and without rotation. Entries using higher or lower than 50 pieces will be disqualified.
  • Entries must be submitted through attaching a screenshot of the final time taken to complete the puzzle, with the number of pieces visible in the screenshot. If the piece count is not in the screenshot, your entry will be disqualified.
  • All submissions should be sent to and please also include your BFMS username so you can be given credit if you place!

Player of the Month (TF25)

Commander Tyler Hendricks, USS Proxima

“We’ve had an excellent working relationship, and seeing the Commander interact with the other writers is great as well. Keep up the quality work and the winning attitude.”

Sim of the Month (TF25)

The Reliquary

“So far the team has begun to weave what will be a base for the entire Task Force! The writers are phenomenal and the leadership is second to none.”

Post of the Month (TF25)

Engineering Report, USS Proxima

“A well-written introduction post for the new chief engineer!”

Player of the Month (TF38)

Lt. Cmdr. Niun, USS Apollo

“In the simming world, it’s so easy to fall into standard tropes for characters: Vulcan science officers, Klingon security officers, and other expected, anticipated combinations that lead to predictable character development. I want to recognize Shenmi, aka Lt. Cmdr. Niun for developing a custom race (the Mri) with a well-thought culture that meshes very well with the Star Trek universe in ways that many fan races fail to do. In addition, his first post was a fascinating and intriguing look into this character’s psyche that showed us a lot about him and led us to want to know more.”

Sim of the Month (TF38)

USS Newton

“The Newton has been consistently active and creative; they’re producing some of the most interesting writing in the task force and we look forward to what they’re going to do next!”

Post of the Month (TF38)

“Keeping Count”, USS Ganymede

“It’s not always curing plagues and saving lives down in sickbay; sometimes your ship is just cruising between the stars and everyone’s healthy. This post was a nice interlude in which Dr. Vochik went through exploring the tedium of a boring day–seizing on a moment in which he thought a subordinate had performed an inventory successfully, that there was some mystery to be solved, only to realize that he was incorrect and everything was boring again.”

Player of the Month (TF64)

LCDR Marcus Ryan, Endeavour

“Scotty, who plays our First Officer Lieutenant Commander Marcus Ryan, has been incredible in keeping the sim going this past month. I am truly grateful for him while I’ve had to attend to personal family matters, I am so glad he joined us our First Officer!”

Sim of the Month (TF64)

USS Ochoa

“The Ochoa’s hit the ground running in their first month as part of TF64. They’ve earned the respect (and nomination) of every other CO in the TF, and they’ve already begun shaping their slice of the Star Trek: Discovery timeline. We can’t wait to see where their first mission leads!”

Post of the Month (TF64)

The Science is What Matters, USS Ochoa

“This post between the Ochoa’s current and former Captain highlights an important theme during this time frame: Is Starfleet truly focused on scientific exploration or are they a military organization? It shows the tension and internal struggle Starfleet faced during the Discovery-era Klingon War.”

Player of the Month (TF72)

Lieutenant Kiyoshi Shingoen, USS Hypatia

“Since joining Shingoen has been a compelling character with depth and continues to surprise me at every turn.”

Sim of the Month (TF72)

USS Ark Royal

Selected by the TFCO for SotM.

Post of the Month (TF72)

Long Time No See, USS Ark Royal

Selected by the TFCO for PotM.

Player of the Month (TF93)

Civilian Hare-Jeycid, Passenger,  USS Asger

“Kyle has brought a fun to element to the ship with his high-school aged character, which incited several other players to draft up high-schoolers to cause trouble with him as well. It’s been a fun new element to the Asger and a great add to the game.”

Sim of the Month (TF93)

USS Atlantis

“I feel like that ship is doing a lot of things right. I have snagged a few things myself from them over the years, but every month when I’m watching other ships, it seems to be the one I gravitate towards. I know I’ve given it a nomination before, and it has won before, but it continues to be a good reliable ship to look into. The characters are interesting, the story is solid, the posts are great, and I’m a sucker for ships that don’t stick to the normal batch of ships we see, and it definitely fits that bill. All in all, a great simm.”

Post of the Month (TF93)

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey”, USS Shanghai

“This post was a brilliant introduction to a character who was joining the sim in the middle of a pitched battle with temporal anomalies all over the place. It’s that ingenious jumping off point that I think is worthy of a nod for the title of post of the month. It may be early in her time with the Shanghai, but starting off with such a bang is a great foot to start on, and led to even more mysteries for the next mission. I, personally, love when players inject that bit of extra into the missions as it gives them an extra bit of lifeblood that one person leading them just cannot do. It was a great first post, and I expect to see the player on my lists more often.”

Player of the Month (TF99)

Ensign Elani, Vidal Fleet Yards

“Ensign Elani is a wonderful character to interact with and is really desreving of the Task Force 99 Player of the Month Award. The writer has been very active, and helping move the story forward.”

Sim of the Month (TF99)

ISS Yamato

“Kelvin timeline mirror universe sim is a fun read. To be a mirror of a mirror, and seeing how things unfold is a fresh and interesting prospect. My hats go off to the crew, for their creative approach to the sim.”

Post of the Month (TF99)

When the Pain Becomes Too Much, Vidal Fleet Yards

Selected by the TFCO for PotM.