New Staffing

March 20, 2022

A little over a week ago, I announced that Emily would be stepping back as Bravo Fleet Executive Officer. We’re lucky enough that she will be sticking around as Bravo Fleet Internet Officer, but as they say, all good things must come to an end. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed her as my XO, her insight, and the friendship that we’ve built over the last few years. Replacing her is no small feat as we’re talking about pretty big shoes to fill.

Bravo Fleet Executive Officer

Realistically, there are a few people with whom I could see stepping up into the BFXO role immediately. When Emily informed me that she was stepping down, I sat down with the people who I saw as potential replacement candidates and we had a lengthy, productive discussion about who would be the next BFXO. A lot of things went into those discussions: time availability, desire to move up, what people were looking to do, potential to replace their position. Its never a matter of skill for anyone in that discussion; just being there means that they’re already at that level! But in the end, someone had to be chosen, and at the end of the discussion I decided that the best person to step up into the role of Bravo Fleet Executive Officer would be Vice Admiral Aubrey Seagraves (David!). David knows all of the ins and outs of the fleet, and I’m really looking forward to him being the new Bravo Fleet Executive Officer! This, of course, starts a domino effect in the staff.

Bravo Fleet Operations Officer

Taking over the role of Bravo Fleet Operations Officer from David will be Fleet Admiral Zack Marshall-Bennet (MJ!). MJ brings with him extensive experience as both the current Chief of Staff and a former Task Force Commanding Officer of TF17. In both of those roles, MJ has shown a specific aptitude that will be required to take over as Operations Officer, given the unique duties of the role.

Bravo Fleet Chief of Staff

To replace MJ as Chief of Staff will be Captain Thomas Forrester (Dave P!). Dave has been serving in the Office of the Chief of Staff for a little over three months, but previously served as TF86CO for quite some time. Between both roles, he has shown a keen understanding of the OCS system, what it is for, what it is about, and where it is going.

Congratulations to everyone on their new staff positions which will take effect at midnight EDT on March 25th rolling into the 26th. If anyone has any questions about this or anything else, please feel free to use the #ask-the-bfc channel in Discord!


  • Fantastic appointments to some critical roles. Well done, gang!

    March 20, 2022
  • A huge congratulations to David, MJ, and Dave! I know you’ll all do amazing things in your new positions!

    March 20, 2022