Our technology is the glue connects Bravo Fleet’s community together. We use it to write stories, communicate, and keep track of vital information. Bravo Fleet already has one of the most advanced fleet management systems available, and we’re constantly looking to improve our infrastructure. Our goal is to make life easier for our members by offering the best systems to host our activities. Running the Internet Office requires a highly specialized set of programming and management skills, which is why it’s one of the most difficult positions to fill.
Over the past few months, Reece worked with the Internet Office as both Command Adjutant and Hosting Administrator. I’m happy to announce that, as of today, Reece will be stepping up to serve as Bravo Fleet’s new Internet Officer! With years of experience as a developer and systems administrator, Reece is intimately familiar with how to operate and expand our online infrastructure. He’s already started working with us on some special projects, and we’re excited to show you more of his work in the coming weeks.
Congratulations, Reece!