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Fleet Report, January 2020

January 14, 2020

To all the members of Bravo Fleet:

This is a Fleet Report I’ve put together to help tackle a couple of smaller topics instead of just releasing a bunch of separate reports. So we’ll cover a few topics in this report.

Bravo Fleet Chief of Staff

The one I’ll start with is Bravo Fleet Chief of Staff. Over the past month or so we’ve lost contact with Browsden. Suffice it to say, we made every attempt to contact him that we could and were met with radio silence. He’s a good friend, and I hope he’s all right. However the BFA has decided that the fleet has to move on and has unanimously agreed to his removal. We hope all is well with him and he’s able to get back in contact with us soon. In the mean time, I will be taking over the chief of staff duties. All chief of staff related inquiries can come directly to me. As we approach the New Model, we will be revisiting the position to get someone in line to take over as the chief of staff is a critically important position and linchpins a lot of what we’re working towards together.

We’ll give updates as we get closer and how we will proceed, if the position will be open to applications, etc.

Current Competition!

That’s right, we have a competition going on if you missed it buried in a previous announcement. The competition details can be found here. I also want to reiterate that you should make sure that you read the competition details in full before participating! This has, so far, been the most submissions we’ve ever gotten for a competition and I’m hoping that we get a bunch more before it ends at the end of January! If you’re weary about how time consuming it might be, then just know that this should take no more than about 10 minutes of your time and if you place it comes with a nice award for your dossier.

In that previous announcement is also a whole slew of awards that went out. Be sure to check them out and congratulations to all who worked hard for them! Big shout out to you guys and gals.

Star Trek: Picard

We’re less than 10 days from Star Trek: Picard premiering; with that I would like everyone to just be cool about it when it comes to spoilers. There are specific spoiler channels on the Bravo Fleet Discord. We know you’re all excited. We are too! But we want everyone to be courteous with spoilers and keep them contained to the appropriate channels.

Open Positions

I recently asked Emily if she could put together a list we can keep up to date on the various open positions around the fleet for those who might be interested. She delivered with this great open positions page! Definitely check it out if you are interested in helping out the fleet somewhere. Many of these positions are constantly taking applications and looking to improve the departments.

BFMS User Accounts

And lastly, another project Emily has been working on has been a user purge of the BFMS. Its no secret that the BFMS has been having a massive problem with spam accounts. The first thing we did was add in a reCAPTCHA which massively helped. The second thing we did was turn on user e-mail verification for accounts. The final step was carried out this weekend by purging all accounts that had a suspicious e-mail (looking at you, Russian bots with .ru e-mail addresses!), didn’t have a character listed on their account, and/or hadn’t been active ever. In the end a lot of accounts were purged, and we were left with about 500 accounts. If you think something happened to your account, let us know.