Fleet Action II: The Echoes of the Tkon is now officially over!

September 18, 2021

After three intense phases spanning two months, the Echoes of the Tkon has now officially ended. The Fleet Action was an incredible success in all facets of Bravo Fleet, and the engagement was through the roof. It’ll likely be a bit before everything is graded, totaled, and the final results are in. But just know that everyone did an awesome job!

When the results do get published there will be an in-depth analysis of every facet for everyone to chew on. I know a lot of people have been asking, so yes, a full breakdown will be in there!

For the last phase, this will be the last battlefield promotions we have until the next Fleet Action in 2022:

Task Force 17

Task Force 72

Task Force 86

Task Force 93


Congratulations all! And congratulations to all of Bravo Fleet on a very successful Fleet Action! I have no doubt many shinies are right around the corner for many people.