Welcome to Bravo Fleet’s first competition! The Hall of Honour is now accepting entries for a Hazard Team logo. Hazard Teams are special units used in situations that require high levels of skill but are too dangerous for a ship’s senior staff. The logo should reflect the team’s specialty and incorporate a reference to Bravo Fleet.
Design a logo for the Hazard Team! Be creative and show off your graphic design skills to the entire fleet!
How It Works
- Start designing your logo for the Hazard Team using the criteria on this page!
- Submit your design by 11:59 PM (EST) on September 6, 2019.
- Judges will announce first, second, and third place on September 9, 2019.
Competition Criteria
- The image must have a transparent background with dimensions greater than 600x600px.
- The logo should reference both the Hazard Team and Bravo Fleet.
- The shape of the logo is up to you. Popular choices are circular or triangular logos referenced below.
The Judges
- Tia (@Nadiezja#1701)
- Noel (@SweetChiliYeet#4057)
- Emily (@Emily#6153)
Reference & Examples
Designed by cbunye.