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Bravo Fleet’s First Competition: Design a Logo!

September 14, 2019

Welcome to Bravo Fleet’s first competition! The Hall of Honour is now accepting entries for a Hazard Team logo. Hazard Teams are special units used in situations that require high levels of skill but are too dangerous for a ship’s senior staff. The logo should reflect the team’s specialty and incorporate a reference to Bravo Fleet.

Design a logo for the Hazard Team! Be creative and show off your graphic design skills to the entire fleet!

Enter Competition

How It Works
  1. Start designing your logo for the Hazard Team using the criteria on this page!
  2. Submit your design by 11:59 PM (EST) on September 6, 2019.
  3. Judges will announce first, second, and third place on September 9, 2019.
Competition Criteria
  • The image must have a transparent background with dimensions greater than 600x600px.
  • The logo should reference both the Hazard Team and Bravo Fleet.
  • The shape of the logo is up to you. Popular choices are circular or triangular logos referenced below.
The Judges
The judges of the competition will select first, second, and third place winners using the competition criteria.

  • Tia (@Nadiezja#1701)
  • Noel (@SweetChiliYeet#4057)
  • Emily (@Emily#6153)

Reference & Examples
Bravo Fleet Department Logo

Hazard Team Inspiration

Designed by cbunye.

Official Bravo Fleet Graphics

If you have any questions, please contact our judges or email the the Hall of Hounour (