As I’m sure you all know by now, Bravo Fleet maintains a free graphics service for all of our members. This service, like everything else Bravo Fleet offers, is maintained by a team of volunteers who are lending their time and skill to support our community. Due to some recent confusion over how our graphics service operates, we’ve decided to codify a policy to guide both graphics requests and the use of all Bravo Fleet graphics (including those created by our graphics team in response to a request).
New Graphics Policy
The new Graphics Policy creates an official guideline based on how the team/service has operated thus far. If you’ve ever requested an image from our graphics team, most of these guidelines should be familiar to you. You can find our new policy on Bravo Fleet’s wiki:
Please take a moment to read the policy before you submit any new graphics request. Don’t forget to use the request format provided in our graphics channels on Discord!
To sum up some of the main points:
- Our graphics service is a privilege that can be taken away if someone abuses either the service or our volunteers.
- Graphics requests must be for a Bravo Fleet character, game, or activity. You can only use the image on a Bravo Fleet platform.
- Please wait 7 days between graphics requests of a specific type (for example, please do not post two character avatar requests within this 7 day period).
- The graphics team currently supports character avatar manipulations, game or fiction banners, and dedication plaques. Anything outside of these three types may not be completed, and it will depend entirely on the artists available.
- We can only complete requests of canon characters and ships. We cannot guarantee images based material outside of our canon, nor can we guarantee avatar requests for Gorn, Caitians, and other similar species (as determined by our team members).
- Please do not bump your graphics request. We will work to complete your request as quickly as possible, but remember this is a free service and our volunteers may have other commitments.
New Team Member!
I’m also happy to announce that the graphics team has a new member! Andi (@4ND-R0#0014) is joining the team and will be specializing in character avatars. Andi is not only a talented artist, but they are also the first Cadet to join a Bravo Fleet’s staff! Welcome to the team, Andi!
Looking for Volunteers!
The Graphics Team is also looking for new volunteers! We have a group of amazing artists who can help you learn about using Photoshop to manipulate images, create custom graphics, and more. Most of our supported graphics have templates, but we’re always looking to expand our offerings with members who compliment our skills!
If you’re interested in joining the team, or if you have any questions about the new policy, feel free to contact me (@Emily#6153) or our Graphics Director (@Khaled al Rashid | Minerva exec#7205) on Discord.