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Bravo Fleet Gaming Officer

May 31, 2020

This is probably not the announcement everyone was hoping for! However, rest assured that the results for The Raptor’s Wings will be released this week! I promise.

Now that the tomatoes are done being thrown!

A few weeks ago the position of Bravo Fleet Gaming Officer came open for applications. This position is something we see as a pivotal building block of Bravo Fleet going forward as we expand into other activities and other avenues of community building. We feel that gaming, and particularly Star Trek gaming, is still a thriving world that we can break into. Earlier this year we joined up with Stonewall Armada in their Star Trek Online fleet armada to help build and diversify our profile; they have been great allies and friends! But this is just one of many steps we want to take. We knew when we were looking for a Gaming Officer we were looking for someone preferably with a specific set of skills more honed towards gaming, and less towards what Bravo Fleet has done historically. A fresher face with gaming experience!

I’m happy to announce that we have found that in our new Gaming Officer, Peridot Rose! Peridot has been in Bravo Fleet for only a short while, but their application was amazingly detailed with experience to exactly what we were looking for. In conjunction with being new to Bravo Fleet, Peridot brings a fresh perspective to the BFA that we are hoping will help us evolve and change the way we do some things. And outsider’s perspective never hurts!

Congratulations to Peridot, and I’m sure they’ll be following up with some announcements in the next few weeks. So if you’re looking to help out in the Gaming Office, stay tuned!