[WATB Phase 2]: Your Job To Have A Better Idea


To paraphrase Jadzia Dax, the first duty of a ship’s science officer is to always have a better idea. Looking out at the universe through any number of scientific specialties, it’s the science officer who’s responsible for analyzing and observing both the strange new worlds without and the ancient unknowable worlds within. Remnants of Borg technology are coming to life unbidden inside Federation space and there rumours of increased Borg movements beyond Federation territories. The science officers among the Fourth Fleet will have to dive deep within their own training, networking, and experiences to face every mystery and horror rising up. Now that you’re well into writing these stories, take a moment to reflect on every tool your science officer has in their toolkit. Your challenge is to write a biography for a science officer!

To submit to this competition, simply provide a link to a character on your command, or Writing Sandbox, who works as a science officer. At a minimum, the entirety of the personality, appearance, and history sections must have been newly written for this competition. Otherwise, create a new character for this competition. It is highly recommended that you complete the Character Creation Program as practice for this competition, but you may not submit a biography to this competition which has received feedback from the Academy staff.


  • Entries should be a link to a BFMS character on your Primary Command or a Writing Sandbox who is a science officer. This may be a chief science officer, assistant chief, generalist science officer, or a crewmember from any number of science specialties.
  • The biography must be complete, with something in the summary (short description), personality, appearance, history, service record, and image fields. (The quality of the image used will not be assessed in judging.)
  • If the biography existed prior to this competition opening, the entirety of the personality, appearance and history sections must have been newly written for this competition. Otherwise, create a new character after this competition opens and before it closes.
  • Stories will be graded with the new Bravo Fleet Biography Rubric which marks on the following criteria: realism; lore and canon connections; level of detail; uniqueness; style, mechanics, formatting & grammar; and completeness. Using generative AI in this competition is forbidden.



User ID Content Date Entry
Sazra Kobahl 2545

Adham Bin Suhail, Science Officer on the USS Mariner

2023-11-25 20:32:32
Azras Dex 10


2023-11-25 17:27:02
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121


Previously the bio only had a short description, which I've slightly edited and provided a screenshot of from before I started the rewrite.

2023-11-24 14:51:52 View Image
Keith Anderson 1849

Kint was a part of the Alita's crew since day one, but his bio was never completed. I figured I was way passed due for that .

Previously, he had a Summary, Appearance, and Personality filled out, but I completely rewrote those, and the only thing in his history from before was an empty template to fill out, which I did for this competition.


2023-11-23 02:51:45
Aryanna Rigras 2486


22 Nov 2023

2023-11-22 21:21:06
Iskander al-Kwaritzmi 569

Character already existed. Nothing but the Short Description had been filled (and that section has been extensively remade).


2023-11-22 20:42:25
Varen Wyll 2419


Rana Sisrex - Full biography completed 21-11-23

2023-11-21 23:40:07
Hadir Prenar 694


2023-11-21 09:31:26
Theo Barrington 2080

Entry link: https://bravofleet.com/character/65752/

2023-11-20 21:42:20
James Neidlinger 1


2023-11-16 01:56:49

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