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TF 72: Box Tower stack


You have been assigned to design a new tower for a settlement on a soon to be established colony. This tower will be the center of operations. How tall can you build the tower?

Remember the key to building anything is timing, patience, and planning.

Click here to begin your building: box-tower


  • Submit a screenshot showing your final score.
  • The winners will be those with the highest scores.
  • In case of a tie breaker, the earliest submission will be used for those who place.


User ID Date Entry
Th'lora Vehl 2240 2022-04-30 21:20:57
R’Tor 2309 2022-04-29 23:18:50
Vausees Vax 2184 2022-04-29 22:36:08
Gideon 2382 2022-04-29 04:15:37
James MacLeod 653 2022-04-29 00:25:24
Thyn Th'ezokroq 2426 2022-04-26 18:56:32
Erill'Yun Mek 2187 2022-04-25 07:59:09

Competition Winners

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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